General Support Questions
01/06/2024 at 08:20
Charleroi   Monaco   Servette FC
There is already a 4-2-2-2, so this would be a 3-2-2-3

04/06/2024 at 11:34
Atlético Clube Goianiense    
sorry @lastbenjamin, accidentally deleted your question when i saw it had duplicated.  you'll probably be on negative points due to the club being in debt for a number of months.  its -50 each time your club is in debt by more than 1 million.

you seem to be ok now, so will start getting back towards zero as you win games

04/06/2024 at 11:35
Bromsgrove Sporting    
Hey. Why am I getting negative points in my Owner Rankings? What am I doing wrong?

05/06/2024 at 09:21
Bromsgrove Sporting    
admin said
sorry @lastbenjamin, accidentally deleted your question when i saw it had duplicated.  you'll probably be on negative points due to the club being in debt for a number of months.  its -50 each time your club is in debt by more than 1 million.

you seem to be ok now, so will start getting back towards zero as you win games
Ah alright mate. Thanks for the advice. Is there any other way someone could get negative points?

06/06/2024 at 11:28
Atlético Clube Goianiense    
lastbenjamin said
admin said
sorry @lastbenjamin, accidentally deleted your question when i saw it had duplicated.  you'll probably be on negative points due to the club being in debt for a number of months.  its -50 each time your club is in debt by more than 1 million.

you seem to be ok now, so will start getting back towards zero as you win games
Ah alright mate. Thanks for the advice. Is there any other way someone could get negative points?

only when you lose games to worse teams.  so if you are winning more than you are losing and stay out of debt, your points total goes up

15/06/2024 at 03:38
Bromsgrove Sporting    
Alright, thanks for the advice Admin.  Also, how do we set friendlies among clubs?

16/06/2024 at 17:46
Atlético Clube Goianiense    
lastbenjamin said
Alright, thanks for the advice Admin.  Also, how do we set friendlies among clubs?

You can only do that yourself from 2nd June (pre season).

You'll see the option on your teams fixtures page.

17/06/2024 at 05:29
Bromsgrove Sporting    
Edited on 17/06/2024 05:39:00

Edited on 17/06/2024 05:34:54

Okay, thank you. Is there any reason new owners start with 20M instead of 50M or 75M? I asked because I think it would be encouraging for new players to buy clubs they recognise and believe they can perform well in.  Also, not everyone may put as much effort into the game as Darlington. They brought the club from non-league to the top of the Premier League, which will take quite a bit of time, which may be a push factor for new players. I understand that you are trying to maintain as much realism as possible, but I just feel like more money should be given to a new owner.  This could be a temporary thing, until this game gains more popularity, where you could reduce the starting capital back to 20M.

Also, I feel that having a Discord will mean that communication among club owners will happen more smoothly and the FC Owner players will feel like a community. It will be easier for Admin to release updates and receive feedback.

24/06/2024 at 16:56
Darlington   FC Schweinfurt 05   Batman Petrolspor
Welcome to the game, Darlington owner here. I'd love to see more players and more new players stick around so am generally in favour of anything that could boost that, if the new player consensus is there's not enough money then I wouldn't be against it personally. Having said that, not too long ago the starting capital was 10m, which was rightly increased to 20m to keep up with the inflation of starter club values, and from my recent experience of buying a bottom flight German club it felt a lot easier to generate money from player sales than it was a couple of years ago. It's not just Darlington who've built up from the bottom, quite a few of the more successful owners have done the same (often with multiple clubs) - it does take time, but it's not as difficult as it first might seem when starting up.  The seasons really fly by, and although it pays off to spend quite a bit of time on your team at times, there are long stretches where it's pretty low maintenance. I would say there are only two things in the game which are very challenging - earning that gamechanging first promotion as a new club, and winning major trophies at the top level. Usually it seems to work out that if a team can get itself established and get a decent squad together, it's quite easy to fly up the divisions and it doesn't get too difficult again until the top flight. So a big part of me still likes the idea of keeping things a challenge initially, it makes it more satisfying to finally get there. 

Also worth mentioning that the game is free and it's very possible to do well without spending any real money, so I wouldn't begrudge Admin making a little from people buying in-game currency now and again. I don't think there's ever been a time when the game has been distorted by people doing this - I think folks generally don't like to, and as far as I'm aware none of the big successes in the game have been by paying to win. I don't think there's any shame at all though in buying some as a new player if there's a specific club that's slightly out of reach, or if you want to take on a second/third club quickly - it's not going really going to distort the game in any way.
(On that note, @Admin, have you considered adding a donations link? I'm probably due chucking a little cash your way but would rather just be able to donate than having to buy rq I'd have no intention of actually using)

The other option is something a few owners have done which is take on a cheapo club, spend a season or two improving their value, then quickly selling them on and buying a better one.

A discord has been mentioned a few times and I totally agree I think an active official one would be great for the game. A while ago someone tried to set up an unofficial one, but there were only a handful of people in it and it pretty much died about a year ago, and someone made a good point that by posting in there instead of here, we might be making the game look less active from the outside.  The unofficial one still exists, but it's been dead for a year and there are only a few people in it who are currently active players. Still, for what it's worth, the link is

Good luck with your team, feel free to ask anything if you need any help or tips (though I'm personally more likely to see discord messages sooner, which is one of the reasons I agree with you on that!)

27/06/2024 at 09:04
Bromsgrove Sporting    
Hey, longsands. Thanks for the valuable reply and advice. Bet you took some time to send that message! I guess the key to this game is either grinding up the values of clubs then selling them, or just staying loyal and give it your all to a singular club from the lower divisions. Patience is also key, I'm figuring.

Admin, any new features you are working on? I love this game a lot.

Longsands, thank you again for the advice.

27/06/2024 at 17:52
Atlético Clube Goianiense    
Nothing new. Just trying to fix existing bugs such as players not retiring when expected, and trying to get the economics right so its tougher for the top clubs.

01/07/2024 at 16:34
Les Herbiers VF   Agri 1970 Spor   Morpeth Town
lastbenjamin said
 I love this game a lot.
I love it, too. I think it's the best football manager game in the net.

12/07/2024 at 09:27
Les Herbiers VF   Agri 1970 Spor   Morpeth Town
Edited on 12/07/2024 09:33:59

Hi... I have 2 questions about Mexican league. Is there a chance for the MX champion to play in Copa Libertadores (as it is in real)? If it will not slow down the game, of course. That would attract this league a little bit.
And second q.: There's a mistake in team's name in Liga de Expansion. There is CF Pachucha and should be CF Pachuca.

12/07/2024 at 21:00
Atlético Clube Goianiense    
Forfum said
Edited on 12/07/2024 09:33:59

Hi... I have 2 questions about Mexican league. Is there a chance for the MX champion to play in Copa Libertadores (as it is in real)? If it will not slow down the game, of course. That would attract this league a little bit.
And second q.: There's a mistake in team's name in Liga de Expansion. There is CF Pachucha and should be CF Pachuca.

Hi, the league is set up so that Mexican teams qualify for the CONCACAF (really to provide competition to USA clubs).  I thought this was how it was in real life?

 I can correct that team name

12/07/2024 at 21:57
Les Herbiers VF   Agri 1970 Spor   Morpeth Town
admin said

Hi, the league is set up so that Mexican teams qualify for the CONCACAF (really to provide competition to USA clubs).  I thought this was how it was in real life?

 I can correct that team name
Yes, you're right. CONCACAF. That's OK. I was looking for Mexican team in CL groups and when didn't found, I thought that they play only mexican league and that's all.
I have read that Cruz Azul, Guadalajara and Tigres have played in Copa Libertadores. Maybe it was just invite and not obligatory. And maybe these teams were not champions of MX league? I don't know. I don't know these competitions good enough.
It's OK. I'm sorry for making confusion.

25/07/2024 at 13:27
Atlético Clube Goianiense    
Something gone wrong with the Europa league. I think maybe some fixture pushed back due to congestion.
It's too late to finish it maybe? Will see what it does but might need to be abandoned 
